Always questioning production and processes, the journal can also be deployed outdoors in sound form, taking over the landscape. Sound creations question the making of a festival. How are artistic creations invented in in situ spaces?
The first occurrence of wattscape(s) took place during the Entre cour et jardins festival in the gardens of Barbirey-sur-Ouche, on the occasion of the tribute to Frédérique Bonnemaison in September 2021.

WATTSCAPE(S) – 3 listening points in the Barbirey gardens
1 IN THE MEADOW – À perte de vue – 10’16’’ in loop
2 AT THE BELVEDERE – Voir autrement – 10’30’’ in loop
3 AT THE VERGER – En déplacement – 9’14’’ in loop
French sound extract:
Interviews and survey : Charlotte Imbault et Jean-Baptiste Veyret-Logerias
Sound design and editing : Charlotte Imbault
With the voices of : Corinne Bernardeau (spectator), Hervé Birolini (artist), Irène Bony (spectator), Marielle Bourdot (spectator), Marc Chevillon (stage manager), DD Dorvillier (artist), Vincent Dupont (artist), Laurent Garaudet (former owner of Barbirey Gardens), Emmanuelle Huynh (artist), Sophie Laly (artist), Daniel Larrieu (artist), Jacques Lechevault (gardener), Nadine Lobut (president of the association Entre Cour et jardins), Julie Nioche (artist), Dominique Petitgand (artist), Sébastien Roux (artist), Liz Santoro (artist), Christian Sebille (artist), Frédéric Seguette (spectator), Pascal Tournier (association treasurer of Entre Cour et jardins), Louise Vayssié (technician)